New Poker Lessons Added

I had some time this evening to continue working on the new sit 'n go training lessons. I have heard from numerous people that the pre-flop strategy has really helped eliminate some of the leaks in their game. My hope is that the next two lessons will help further improve play. Here's a quick summary:

Lesson 6: Post-Flop Play covers the following areas:
  • Reading the board--evaluating the strength of your hand.
  • Texture of the flop--putting your opponent on a potential draw.
  • Determine your response--bet sizing in relation to your strength and your opponents possible holding.
Trying to teach post-flop play can be a challenge because there isn't one correct way to play. Making decisions post-flop are very situational and largely dependent on who you are playing against at the time. I do not get into the people side during this lesson but focus on general advice that you can use to guide your decisions on and after the flop. We will get into the deviations from the general strategy after learning about player profiling.

Lesson 7: On The Bubble Play covers the changes that you should make to your play when you are one position away from the money. In addition I address an area that gets a lot of people into trouble on the bubble: calling all-in bets.

I hope to post lesson 8 and 9 shortly so I can finish the basic section. Then my attention will shift to teaching the advanced strategies, starting with Profiling Players. In my opinion, player profiling is a lot of fun, but I expect it will be the most difficult to write clearly. I will spend some extra time here because player profiling is the most important section of the series. Once you understand the steps needed to profile players, you will be able to use this information to make on-the-fly adjustments to the basic strategy when the situation warrants.

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