No Mistakes

I have set a new goal for myself. It is simply this...

No Mistakes.

By "no mistakes" I mean I want to get to a place where I have a flawless sit 'n go strategy and I play it perfectly. Seems like a rather arrogant goal, doesn't it! And really, the point isn't to achieve it. The real value in this is the process of attempting to achieve it. You know the saying, "It's the journey, not the destination." But in order to get there I need to put a few things in place.

First, in order to play a flawless sit 'n go strategy I must develop a flawless sit 'n go strategy! I am not there yet. I still have holes in my strategy that I am working on plugging. However, as I continue to grow and learn, my strategy will improve.

Second, I must flawlessly execute my strategy. Again, not there yet. It is one thing to have a very clear strategy. It is a different thing to follow it in the heat of battle. For me this is about discipline and trust. The discipline is about staying focused and thinking about each action before making it. Trust is to move forward with the action that you believe is correct, regardless of the result. So I am starting what will hopefully become a routine for me. Learn, apply, evaluate, adopt, and repeat.
  • Learn--I have been and will continue to read, watch, and listen to anything I can find about sit 'n go strategy. Through this process, as well as my own experience, I will identify leaks in my strategy.
  • Try--I will set a goal for each sit 'n go session to work on a specific area of my strategy, and execute it flawlessly.
  • Evaluate--After each session I will evaluate my play to identify mistakes or to identify additional leaks in my strategy. I have found it is much easier to see the mistakes during post-game evaluation than while in the heat of battle.
  • Adopt--Through the first three steps I will continue to identify leaks in my game and will adjust my strategy to eliminate them. I will also document them on this blog for your information and so I can document my journey.
  • Repeat--This will be a continuous process until I reach a point where I have developed a flawless sit 'n go strategy and I am executing it without any mistakes.

Think it is possible to develop a flawless sit 'n go poker strategy and execute it without making any mistakes? I do. Let's get started.

Questions and Comments Welcome!

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