February Report

Well, I had a less than excellent month in February. I spoke about profit per hour (PPH) a couple of posts back. PPH is the way I am measuring my performance. Last month my PPH was just over $20.00, a significant drop from January. But I was still profitable and I continue to slowly build my bankroll.

Why did my PPH drop? Probably because I didn't play enough last month for variance to balance out. The fewer number of sit n go's you play in a specific time period the higher potential for greater variance. Over time, variance will tend to even out and reflect your skill level. That's just how it works.

Regardless, I have been profitable 8 months straight now. And with my profit from February I am about $400 away from my goal to earn $5,000 starting with $50. I expect to hit my goal this month.

One last note... I continue to receive feedback from readers of the SitNGoTraining.com site about how applying the strategies outlined have helped their game. I appreciate the feedback. It is great to know that the sit and go strategies work for others as well as myself. I also frequently get asked when I plan to finish the lessons. Don't worry, I will get to them. But I haven't had much time to work on writing the last couple of months do to other commitments.

That's it for now. Good luck at the tables!

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