Set vs Trips

I received the following email today from one of my readers:


I was reading your sit and go training guide and this should be corrected.
  • F = Fantastic--you flop a set or better.
  • I = Interesting--you flop top pair with good kicker, two pair, trips, or 4 cards to a straight or flush draw.
You categorize a "set" as Fantastic and in the line below you categorize "trips" as Interesting. In my poker experience, a set and trips are the exact same hand. Which is correct?

I've received similar messages in the past, so I thought I would take a few minutes to hopefully clear up the confusion. 

For starters, it is a common misconception that a "set" and "trips" are the same thing. They are not. To clear this up I will first define these terms and then explain why a set is stronger than trips. 
  • A "Set" is three of a kind when you hold two of the cards in the hole and one is on the board.
  • "Trips" is also three of a kind. However, two of the cards are on the board and only one is in the hole. 
Here's an example of a set:
  • Board: Kxx
  • Hole Cards: KK
Here's an example of trips:
  • Board KKx
  • Hole Cards: Kx
(The x's represent other, non-paired, random cards)

Both are three of a kind but the configuration is different. Do you see the difference?

So why is a set stronger than trips? First, a set is less obvious (or more deceptive) than trips. It is harder to put someone on a pocket pair that hit the board than a single card that matches up with a board pair. In addition, in a situation when one player has a set and the other has trips, the set wins. Well how does that work. They are both three of a kind, correct? Wrong. For me to have a set and you to have trips means that there is a pair on the board (the pair you need for trips). As a result, if I have a set, that means I have a full house (I have a set which is three of a kind and your pair on the board gives me a full house). So my set will always beat your trips. No exceptions. 
  • Board: KKQxx
  • My Hole Cards: QQ
  • Your Hole Cards: AK
I hope this helps explain why I value a set higher than trips in my Post-Flop Play Lesson--because a set is different than trips and (excluding potential draws) it is a stronger holding than trips. 

Good luck at the tables!!


  1. Wan2BRoundrOctober 25, 2010

    Great lesson. I didn't really understand the difference between trips and a set. I just thought they were different names for the same thing. Now I understand. Thank you!

  2. I too was confused by "set vs trips", but it does not take a lot of research to learn the extra value of the set. To say a set always beats trips is a bit confusing. If the board shows KKQxx, you hold AK, and I hold QQ, I do not have a set - I have a boat/full house. The set is only the best component of my hand. We always talk about a "hand growing up" or "improving". That growing up changes the name of your holdings. In the example, suppose the board was KKx. I am behind your trips with only 2 pair. BUT, if the turn comes KKxQ, my two pair has grown up - not to a set, but to a boat.

  3. There is exceptions tho. If you have a lower set and they have higher three of a kind and then hit their kicker for a better full house they win.


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