Let The Bad Beats Continue!

I played four sit 'n go's this evening. I was hoping for a new month and a new lease on poker. I have been running bad for about 6 weeks now, getting hit with endless bad beats. I hoped tonight would be different. That wasn't to be the case. My bad beat trend continues.

First game I am down to about 10 bb's and open-push with QQ from the SB. Get called by AK. I don't have a problem with the call--he had twice the chips I did and I would have made the same call in this situation. He flops an A and gets a K on the turn just to top it off. OK, coin toss. I can live with it. Good push, good call, bad result for me.

Second game, again I have QQ, this time in the CO. I raise 3x and get called by the button. Flop comes K42. For some reason I thought my QQ was still good. I bet out 2/3rds the pot and he pushes on me. I had seen him push with air twice so far in this tourney. So I called. He turns over A6. Gotcha! Of course he catches an ace on the turn. OK, great read, great call, but definately a bad beat.

Third game I am in the SB with A8 of diamonds. Two limp in before me so I complete the SB. The button checks. Four players. Flop comes T97, two diamonds. So I have an open-ended straight draw and a nut flush draw. I bet half the pot and the button raises 3x. To call I would be pot committed. I probably should have folded. I would have had enough chips to continue playing, but I had 15 outs to give me the best hand and another 3 if my ace was good. 18 outs, I'm not going anywhere. I shoved and he called with top pair. Blank on the turn and the river. I'm out again.

Following my bankroll rules, I decided to quit for the night. However, about an hour later I decided to play one more before calling it a night (it was after midnight, so technically it was the next day!).

Second hand of the tourney I am dealt T9o in the big blind. Three players limp and the SB completes. I check my option. Flop comes 2QJ giving me the idiot-end of an open-ended straight draw. The SB checks, as do I. The UTG limper min-bets, we all call. The turn brings a 8, giving me the nut straight. Finally, I caught a hand. The board is a rainbow, so no concerns about flush draws. But still, I make a pot sized bet. Decided to take down the pot here and now. However, the UTG limper shoves. Everyone else folds. Do I call? Why wouldn't I. I have the best hand--I have the nut straight. I should call this all day long, right? Wrong. The river is another 2. Oh no, paired board. Did he make a boat? No, that would be too easy. He turns over pocket 2's to make quads on the river. Yes, a 1 outer (well, actually, 7 outs if you count the Q and J), but that is how I am running these days... actually for about 6 weeks now.

I am most definitely quitting for the night. Tomorrow I will go through my hand histories to see what I could have done differently in these situations to improve my results. I do not expect I will come up with anything, other than quitting! And that ain't gonna happen any time soon!

If any of you have connections with the poker gods, could you put in a good word for me... please?

1 comment:

  1. I feel your pain. I've placed 4th in the past 3 sit n go's that I've played, when 3rd was cash prize. One of the games, 4 people left, 2 of them have majority of chips, and me and some other guy left with very little. Blinds and antes will allow me to win, however every time opponent is bb, everyone folds. Whenever I'm BB they raised. Long story short blinds/antes turn out to be not in my favor over time and I make decision to go all in with pocket 8's. one of the big dogs calls with 45 o. Ok im pretty much in the clear...flop is....4 4 5..then another 5....then another 5....so I end up 1 position short of the money...story of my life the past week.
    Similar story at a table, ended up losing large % of my meager bankroll. Basically my A5s loses to another guys 54o. Flop was 5 5 2, with 2 being my suit. Possible straight, possible flush, highest 3 of a kind with highest kicker...guy pushes me all in, I call he shows, next card is a 4, then another 4, no straight, no flush, I was robbed.


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