Why Don't You SHOVE IT!

Have you ever wanted to reach through your screen and strangle another player? I wanted to last night watching another player fold his hands when he should have been pushing his chips all-in (shoving). During a Double or Nothing sit n go tournament last night I noticed a player committing one of sit n' go's unforgivable sins... folding from the small blind when first to act and short stacked. Let me explain.

At the late stages of a sit n go tournament, most remaining players will have a low M (short stacks). Once you get below a certain point you do not have enough chips to play "normal" poker. So you switch into a push/fold mode. I observed a player last night that missed opportunity after opportunity to shove his (or her) chips in at an opportune moment... when he is on the small blind and everyone folds around to him. With the stack sizes in the examples below (and assuming the BB is playing "normal"), the small blind should SHOVE all in with any two cards. Yes, I said ANY two cards. Don't take my word for it. Run these scenarios through SitNGo Wizard to confirm. You will find that I am correct in each of these situations.

Here's a handful of examples from that tournament. I've included every hand where our "hero" is on the small blind, is first to act (everyone else folds), and either the hero or the BB are short stacked (M is less than 7). Here we go.

In the first example, blinds are 100/200 with a 20 Ante (7 handed). Here's a visual:

Everyone folds to the small blind. In this situation, where the BB is playing normally (not shoving or calling shoves every hand), the hero should SHOVE with any two cards. But he doesn't. He folds and the BB picks up T440.

In the next example, 100/200 blinds 20 Ante (7 handed).

The action is folded around to the SB. Again, he should SHOVE with any two cards. But he doesn't. He folds and again the BB picks up T440.  

Next hand, blinds have increased to 125/250 with a 25 ante and we are now on the bubble. Maybe our hero just doesn't like to shove pre-bubble? Anyway, here's the setup.

It's folded around to our hero and once again he folds. By this time I am literally helling at my computer... why don't you SHOVE IT?!!!! Like he can hear me!

In the next hand, 125/250 blinds 25 ante (6 handed).

Everyone folds to to small blind, who then... wait for it... wait for it... he bets t2450 (All-In). WOW! Maybe he did hear me! Guess what happens next? The BB folds! YA BABY! He finally did it. He is getting the hang of this thing. The first time is always the hardest. But I bet he is a shoving machine now. And here's the proof....

Next hand, 150/300 Blinds 30 Ante (6 handed).

Everyone folds to our hero. And what does he do? He FOLDS and the BB gets the pot. OK, maybe he didn't learn his lesson after all.

I couple of hands later the bubble bursts, and our hero didn't get another change to fold.

So what's the purpose of this post? I am simply trying to show a situation when it is strategically correct to SHOVE all-in with any two cards. When you are in a situation where the M of most players at the table is below 7 (especially yours and the BB), if you are first to act then you should SHOVE IT with any two cards. The chances are slim that you will get called, and you will pick up the blinds and antes each time. And if you do get called, you can still suck out!

That's it for now. To receive updates on my play and strategy, subscribe in your reader or email. You can also receive notifications of new posts through Twitter or Facebook.

(Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com).

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